Greek massage


Greek massage, a technique similar to the "hippocratic massage". The main feature is the olive oil we use and the fire suction cups we apply along the meridians.

"Massage was of paramount importance to Hippocrates. It was an essential and integral part of the practice of medicine and he considered it to be one of the arts with which a well-trained physician should be most familiar.However, he warned that true proficiency in this art does not come quickly, but rather, with a lot of practical experience. Regarding the important therapeutic effect of massage, Hippocrates described four basic instructions:

• Intense massage stimulates and tightens the body.
• Gentle massage strengthens and invigorates the body.
• Very frequent massage refines and illuminates the body.
• Moderate frequency massage strengthens the body and increases flesh."
Source: Holistic Equilibrium

30’€35 | 60’€50 | 90’€65

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